November 25, 2011

Light Touch (complete illustration)

I am not entirely sure this won't get some more time for tweaks, but I am pleased with it right now.  It took about 25 hours for this one.  I definitely learned a good deal about how I want to work images going forward from this one.

November 21, 2011

Light Touch (line art)

I decided to make a line drawing, which will later be fleshed out into an illustration.  I usually skip the fine tuning step that making finished line art tends to be.  I am using this drawing as a test of concept for another image I would like to create down the line.  It took about 8 hours from the start of the sketch until I called this "finished".  I have a really hard time saying a line drawing is a finished product...I am relatively sure that makes me a minority. 

In other news I like patterns O_O. 

November 6, 2011

Lion's Last Roar

Finally finished this theory.  I keep thinking I missed something.  Oh well.  At any rate this one took a bit over 50 hours.  I spent a lot of time early on waffling on the colors for the orc (his armor).