February 20, 2012

Quick Draw 3

A fun little speed painting.  Good practice on posing and quick working.  This took around 2 hours.

February 17, 2012

Stalwart Companions

Not a lot to say about this, I am trying to work faster and in a more loose manner which I think worked fairly well.  I started this just as a sketch to work on some different perspectives, but ended up enjoying the idea so I thought I would see where I could take it in a decently short time.

Total work time was somewhere around 15 hours in PS CS5.

February 15, 2012

Quick Draw 2

I need to do more landscapes, this is a start, more to come...

Painted in about an hour.

February 14, 2012

Quick Draw 1

I decided to attempt to make a fast drawing/painting each day for a while to push myself to work faster.  I should probably just call them speed paintings, but I prefer the gun-slinger vibe of quick draw.

This took between 2-3 hours in PS CS5.

February 10, 2012

Wolf Warrior

This image was originally started just to divert myself from another that I was working on, but I ended up liking this much more.  My focus was to get the lighting and general material feel of the armor down far better than previous attempts.  Towards that end I added more texture into this image than normal, which I have to say I will likely continue in the future.  

Not much else to say...still fiddling around and trying to learn more.