March 29, 2012


I leave it fully up to interpretation whether the woman is from a technologically disinclined/primitive society or a sunbather who decided to go for a walk.

March 19, 2012

Quick Draw- Fight Suit

Slight longer than what I would classify as a speed painting, oh well.

March 12, 2012

Earthen Golem Concept

I needed to show some concept illustrations through the process, this is the first of such samples.  I have some trouble doing silhouettes at the moment, but that should become easier with time.

March 5, 2012

Invest in Monocles

Just a quick self portrait to use as an avatar in various places.  I wanted to involve a monocle, but didn't really want to just have it be the traditional type.  Thus the augmented reality monocle.  Also some sort of fanciness with the hat...I like top hats...